Emotion Code
This unique form of energy work recognizes that our emotions each have an energetic frequency. Emotions such as guilt and fear have very low frequencies, while emotions such as peace and love rank very high.
Emotion Code works with the understanding that emotions can be trapped in our bodies, creating physical dis-ease and emotional instability. Often, this occurs due to past traumatic events, such as abuse, injuries, chronic stress, and more. During a virtual session, your practitioner works to identify these trapped emotions through energy sensing and release them one at a time.
The benefit of Emotion Code is it does not require revisiting trauma in order to release these pieces of it, so space is created in the body for healing to occur. The client does not need to identify where the identified emotions come from. Full release generally requires several virtual sessions, as adults hold between 500-1000 trapped emotions on average. This modality also benefits children, as trapped emotions can be released and prevent dis-ease from taking hold.